
If you’re frustrated with your current tax situation, we can help you significantly reduce your tax liability!  We offer a comprehensive approach to tax planning that considers your business operation, cash flows, competitive environment, future years projected profitability and your personal situation. We don’t sell products, we sell advanced tax planning solutions and business solutions to dramatically reduce your taxes.

On average we reduce our clients taxes by 20% – 40% 


We are a team of tax experts, accountants, and business strategists that design comprehensive and customized solutions that enables our clients to dramatically and permanently reduce their taxes. We’ve structured more than 5,000 tax plans tailored to our client’s business and personal situations. Once we’ve determined exactly how your taxes can be reduced we build your plan and implement the strategies for you. We help our clients with tax plans that are:

  • IRS compliant
  • permanent and offer dramatic results
  • proven and tested
  • lifestyle changing
  • easy to implement

We have expertise in a many fields.

We have worked with business owners across many industries including,

  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Distribution
  • Consumer goods
  • Financial Advisors
  • Physicians
  • Service Providers
  • Transportation
  • Real Estate
  • Environmental
  • Franchise Companies
  • Investments firms
  • Legal firms
  • Medical devices
  • Software Developers
  • Oil & Gas

    First Name

    Last Name

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    How did you hear about us? (please provide the person's name or Social Media page, Google Ad, or any other source)

    Are you self‐employed, or do you have a majority ownership position in a business that you currently work for?

    If you do not have a majority ownership position in a business that you currently work for, do you have the ability to control when and how you receive your income?

    Do you currently pay, or do you anticipate in the future paying, $20,000 or more in federal and state taxes?

    Do you believe that you are doing everything you can to reduce your taxes?

    Are you actively looking for additional strategies to significantly reduce your taxes?